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If you want to use the bird tube that I have used in this Tutorial,,click here to download

Bluebird Tube.zip

1 Open up a New Image 500X500 Transparent... This will give you plenty of workspace.. You can Crop it at the end...

2. Choose a Foreground & Background Color of your Choice...I chose black as my backgrond and a shade of brown for my Foreground..

3. Select Your Preset Shapes Tool

Shape Type: Ellipse Line Width: 4 Style: Stroked & Filled Antialias Checked

4. Draw an Ellipse as shown below

5. Now Go To Your Draw Tool (*the little pencil*)and use these settings Type: Single Line Style: Stroked Width: 4 Antialias Checked Draw Lines like displayed below... Start at the center line at the top and draw your angled lines from that point... Draw one line to the front of the ellipse and one line to the back of the ellipse... This will give the Top of the Cage some dimension..Two (2) Pictures shown below.....

6. Now still using the Draw Tool ,,draw vertical lines down both sides of the top of the cage.

Type: Single Line Style: Stroked Width: 4 Antialias Checked

7. Now we are going to draw the Perch Use the Draw Tool

Type: Single Line Style: Stroked Width: 8 Antialias Checked

8. Now go to Your Tubes and Choose the Bluebird that is attached or a bird of your choice... I usally open a new work area and place the tube on it then I copy and paste as a New Selection so I can move it around and get it where I want it....

9. Using the Preset Shapes..

Shape Type: Ellipse Line Width: 4 Style: Stroked & Filled Antialias Checked

Draw an Ellipse starting from center to the lines at each side..

10. Now Draw Vertical lines connecting one to the front of the Base and one to the rear,,,This will also give the cage some dimension... Illustrated below:

11. You can also give this an Inner Bevel look Using your Magic Wand,, just click on the cage..and then bring it to Image, Effects, Inner Bevel... Selections, Select None It will now look like this..

12. To finish,,we need to make a Ring at the top of the Cage.. Use your Shapes Tools and use these settings:

Shape Type: Circle Line Width: 4 Style: Stroked & Filled Antialias Checked

I used the Stroked & Filled so I could take out the very top of the cage which gets a little lumpy after inner bevel..lol After drawing the circle,,use your Magic Wand and click in the center of the Circle and then go to Edit and Clear or use your Delete Key on the keyboard.. Then choose Selections,,Select None To finish,,,Use the Magic Wand and click on the Circular Ring..... and bring it to Image, Effects, Inner Bevel, Selections, Select None... Again using the Magic Wand,,Click anywhere in the white area of your workspace,,Now go to Selections, Invert,,then go to Image, Crop To Selection.. Voila !!!! You have a birdcage... :-)

You can decorate the Birdcage anyway you like.



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